Travelodge Southampton
When one of Travelodge’s developers had a contractor unable to finish a scheme, they got in touch with DNA to help. With experience of completing projects left unfinished by others – and of building to Travelodge’s strict brand guidelines – the DNA team was well placed to step in and save the day.
Our first step was to assess the work so far and what remained, so through a series of meetings with the key subcontractors we developed a workable completion programme. Speed was of the essence, as Travelodge had been taking bookings based on the previous contractor’s completion date, and was keen not to let people down. We got straight to work finalising the outstanding works, which focused primarily on the internal finishes, back of house, hard landscaping and car parking areas.
Our commercial team ensured the change in contractor didn’t affect the necessary guarantees, warranties and defects liability cover. With the developer’s support, we ensured all the necessary documentation was in place to proceed with the sale – we’d rescued our client from a potentially big headache and helped them achieve their original goals.